24 years of waiting, 24 years of fighting


"It's January 30, 2021. It's been 24 years since my son disappeared. He was 21, in his prime. Today, he would have been 45.

Many mothers, wives and sisters hope, year after year, to know the fate of their missing loved ones. And if their fight continues, it's hard for them not to run out of steam after so much time.

For 24 years, Nassera Dutour, President of FEMED, has continued her fight on behalf of victims of enforced disappearance. For 24 years, driven by rage and the desire to know the truth about her son's fate, she has raised her voice to those from whom it was taken. For 24 years she has demanded justice for her son. For 24 years she has hoped and despaired.

In this video, Nassera Dutour 's despair is perceptible. But in her voice, it's the anger of all these mothers and all these women that rumbles. For justice to be done.